Carper Family Shorthorns

Carper Family Shorthorns is owned and operated by Mike and Beth Carper and Marla Conley. Carper Family Shorthorns in Delaware dates back to Mike's great grandparents. It started out as a dairy, and Mike milked Jerseys while growing up. In 1970 Mike's dad and grandfather decided to switch to beef cattle and grain. In 1985 they bought two crossbred heifers and a Shorthorn heifer at the Ohio Feeder Calf Roundup.
The Carper Family currently has about 10 donor cows with a goal of increasing that number. They do extensive embryo work and use a satellite herd in southeastern Ohio for implantation. They have also switched to fall calving to better complement their work schedules. The farm's goal is to produce great females that can do well in either the show ring or the feedlot.
In addition to their cattle operation and off-farm jobs, the Carpers can be found staying busy with many volunteer roles. Mike is a past president of the Ohio Shorthorn Breeders' Association and the Ohio Cattlemen's Association. Mike and Beth both served on OCA's BEST program committee for many years and have assisted with the Best of the Buckeye program. Mike has also spent time lobbying in Washington DC as part of a trip with the Ohio Cattlemen's Association.